Thursday, July 17, 2014

Learning Outside of the Classroom

My apologies to everyone for this very late post. 

So, for the past few weeks my family and I have been out camping at our trailer, and that is my reason for having this so late. Anyhow, I was at a wedding this past weekend, and I got to be a wedding photographer. I believe I have mentioned before that I do love photography and taking pictures, and I did do quite well in my grade 12 photography course, so I was happy to put my skills to work, but I realized so many things while taking pictures. 

Of course in photography class we were taught a composition technique, and then we had to go take photo's to submit (to see my class works feel free to visit my classroom blog) but, like how I think about math, when am I going to use this? crossed my mind a few times. But then when I got to actually using my skills, I found so many things became useful, and it actually caused me to learn it even more with a higher degree of understanding and I was able to use it more effectively.

This is why I like to say that learning things outside of school is the best way to learn. If you really think about it there is a simple example that we can all look to to prove this. I always admire babies. They have to do the most learning, and in the shortest amount of time. In the first 5 years of life alone, they learn more than what we learn in the rest of our lives. They have to learn how to talk, walk, read, think, write, and distinguish between things like fantasy and reality; and this is all learned before they go into school. And these skills stick with them for their entire life.

I don't know about other people, but when I want to learn something, and actually feel the persistence to stick with something even when I am not in school or doing something for no other reward but for myself, I feel so good about it and I learn it with so much more enthusiasm; and it sticks.

From my journey to yours,
Photos from here and here