Friday, December 19, 2014

Assessments and Evaluations

I don't know about you, but I fear getting my marks back. Maybe it's a self-confidence issue, or maybe it's just the fact that I have way too high of standards. 

Assessments and evaluations are a key part of a teacher’s job. Assessments and evaluations exist to provide feedback that is essential – for both parents and students – to track the progress and test to see if the pupil has learned what they were taught. This is also a time where the teacher can provide feedback for the pupil so that they have a better sense of how they have done and what they can do to improve.   

A quote by Albert Einstein comes to mind when I think about giving assessments. "Everybody is a

genius. But if you judge a fish on it's ability to climb a tree it will live it's whole life believing that it is stupid."  It can not be stressed enough, the importance, of switching up how evaluations occur. It is important to understand how your students learn, and coordinate lessons and assessments accordingly. 

Being a person who fears exams, I always like to set myself up so I can do well on term work, so when an exam comes I can try not to freak out so much. I recently had a university class that had no exams, rather, we needed to complete an assignment almost every week, which I was very relieved about. Needless to say, this class was my favourite, and I did well in it.  

Although not having any exams at all would be bad for those who do well under pressure, I do believe that less accumulative exams would help ease the stress that is an increasing issue with adolescents and teens. Even though stress is a needed force that helps us deal with situations and thrive in life, too much stress can cause many health and mental issues. 

Photos from here and here.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Anti Bullying Week

This week was Anti Bullying Week, and to go along with the theme, I thought it was important to make a post about bullying.

Being a person who was once a victim of bullying, I greatly know the affects that being picked on can cause. I remember my first encounter with bullying - it was my one of first day of school. I always wondered why I became such an easy target for bullies to pick on; a question that I have never been able to answer.

Bullying is an unacceptable reality in our world that is one of the most difficult things to deal with. I personally know the lies that cover a bully from getting in trouble. "It was just a joke, I didn't mean any harm" is the most common. For a teacher, they must put their judge hat on and hope to make the right decision. To most parents, their child is always innocent, so no matter the ruling made, there will be a protest about it, and as a teacher, you must be ready to hear the pleas of angry and upset parents.

Coming from a past were I was bullied so much, you'd think that I would have grown to resent school itself, but this was not the case. I was fortunate enough to have a lot of fantastic teachers who we're always there for me. I could always count on them to have my back, and to be the friend that I needed. This is the main reason why I decided to be a teacher myself. Maybe it's the wrong reason, I don't know, but it is a reason.

Nobody, no matter what they have done or what they look like deserves to be put down and belittled, rather, they deserve to be treated equally and fairly and they should have access to the same educ

ation and opportunists as anyone else, and when I take on my role of being a teacher, I will enforce that no matter what. That is my educational philosophy.

From my journey to yours,

Photos from here and here.

Friday, November 14, 2014

School is back...

Hello everyone!

Okay, so it's actually been a while since school has started back... and it certainly has been a while since my last post.

So, as everyone who either knows me or has read my blog before knows, I've started university! Without a doubt, this is one of the most different adjustments that I've had to make. From the atmosphere to the people, to the structure, to the teachers/professors, university is an experience that is very new, and at the beginning strange. So, in this blog post today, I would like to share with you a few things that I have learned so far.

Being in the concurrent education, I've started learning the fine art of pedagogy (a fancy word for teaching). In our classes that are focused around the school environment and making lesson plans, I've noticed the importance around the use of technology. It is actually listed in my one text book (Becoming a Teacher, Fourth Canadian Edition from Pearson Canada) as being an essential knowledge for teachers.

Years ago nobody would even think of the terms that are being integrated into the classroom today. Examples would be Blended Learning and Flipped Classrooms. These advancements have enabled students to be able to take control of their own learning, as well as further their abilities in what has become our future.

In light of Remembrance day (or Veterans Day in the US) that took place this past Tuesday, I would like to take some time in my writing to honor the soldiers who have given their lives for our country. I feel so grateful to live in a country that has a maple leaf on our flag that not only has the words "glorious and free" in the National Anthem, but makes sure that it lives by those words. Lest we forget.

I hope to be trying to get back into my Friday routine, the burdens of university assignments has kept me off for the last while, but  on the bright side, I'm finally going to be graduating high school today! (Woot woot!)

From my journey to yours,

Photos from here, here and here.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Learning Outside of the Classroom

My apologies to everyone for this very late post. 

So, for the past few weeks my family and I have been out camping at our trailer, and that is my reason for having this so late. Anyhow, I was at a wedding this past weekend, and I got to be a wedding photographer. I believe I have mentioned before that I do love photography and taking pictures, and I did do quite well in my grade 12 photography course, so I was happy to put my skills to work, but I realized so many things while taking pictures. 

Of course in photography class we were taught a composition technique, and then we had to go take photo's to submit (to see my class works feel free to visit my classroom blog) but, like how I think about math, when am I going to use this? crossed my mind a few times. But then when I got to actually using my skills, I found so many things became useful, and it actually caused me to learn it even more with a higher degree of understanding and I was able to use it more effectively.

This is why I like to say that learning things outside of school is the best way to learn. If you really think about it there is a simple example that we can all look to to prove this. I always admire babies. They have to do the most learning, and in the shortest amount of time. In the first 5 years of life alone, they learn more than what we learn in the rest of our lives. They have to learn how to talk, walk, read, think, write, and distinguish between things like fantasy and reality; and this is all learned before they go into school. And these skills stick with them for their entire life.

I don't know about other people, but when I want to learn something, and actually feel the persistence to stick with something even when I am not in school or doing something for no other reward but for myself, I feel so good about it and I learn it with so much more enthusiasm; and it sticks.

From my journey to yours,
Photos from here and here

Friday, June 27, 2014


Welcome to Summer! 

I don't know about you, but I am really happy it's finally summer. Here in Canada we had a pretty harsh winter, and to finally feel some warm air touch our skin is a real treat.

Along with summer, I have found myself at the end of grade 12, which means I have graduated and I am ready to take my next step; going to university. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves, I do have all summer to enjoy.

Graduation is a concept that can be very intriguing. I mean, think about it. The definition for the word "graduating" is the receiving or conferring of an academic degree or diploma; the ceremony at which degrees are conferred. Yea, that's great, but, let's look to the root of the word which comes from the Latin word, gradus, which translates to "degree" or "step". So when we graduate, we are taking a step. Graduating is usually only thought of in school purposed, which leads to big steps, but in a way, don't we graduate everyday? 

Yes, everyday we graduate, or everyday we take a step on this path called life. When we learn something, we take a step and we graduate, when we accomplish something as small as trying a new food is graduating. If you were to look at a small child, every time they accomplished something small, their eyes light up in excitement and happiness. But it seams as we grow older the pleasure in the small things diminish, and we only see triumphant accomplishes in the larger things.

Last night I thought to myself, what if we just went and made a big deal of of the small things? I don't think I even need to go and recherche this when I say that when we feel good about our accomplishments we strive to achieve more and do more, and it just increases our overall possessiveness. Likewise, when we have a failure we are more likely to feel bad and not attempt to do more and better things.

This is why I like to celebrate the small stuff. Graduate and make it seam big, that way when we do have an unsuccessful attempt, it doesn't seam so bad, because look! I already made a big accomplishment today! Who knows what people would accomplish? If we celebrated classroom achievements for small things, made more students would participate, or maybe they'll attempt more on test. Whatever the outcome, I believe that small things are big things in the whole scheme of things.

As I always like to say, we call all learn a lot from babies.

From my journey to yours,

Photo's from here and here

Friday, June 20, 2014

How I Learn

Bonjour à Tous!

This week was my last week of high school, and I am soon going to be diving into my exams that I start writing at the start of next week. Of course, I have had to be studying away, and upon my study's (more specifically for French) I discovered something about myself.

When I was looking over my tenses I found that I was memorizing everything, just as pretty much ever student taking French has done. I was memorizing just how to form the tense, that I didn't even know what it meant. Now, just think about how we have learned our maternal language... when you needed a word to express something, that is when you learned it, and until you needed it again, you would use it again, and perhaps learn it's other meanings. When we learned the word "go" we didn't have to think about changing it into another tense to "went" or "gone" or anything like that, so why do we learn another language like that?

Now, I know the easy answer to that, basically that we have a standardized curriculum that needs to be obeyed and it's only by measuring up to that curriculum that we can get the "all powerful and mighty marks" that determine a pass or fail. This leaves me and many other students memorizing everything like the digits in pi (which I actually know to 50).

This idea of memorizing things and not actually learning it by functionality and necessity. Let's face it. I have yet to encounter a day where I have needed to know how to calculate the area of a circle, or use the quadratic formula. Some things are just pointless in math. Don't get me wrong, I love math (it doesn't really love me) but just to be memorizing a ton a formulas that don't have any connections to us.

I don't know about other people, but I have a great short term memory, and when I memorize something, it sticks for as long as I need it to get me through (like a test or exam) then it's gone and I might as well have never learned it in the first place. But when I had to learn French (like the past summer), I had to actually learn things, and not just memorize. And that is stuck with me.

From my journey to yours,

Photos from here and here

Friday, June 13, 2014

A Tribute

This is to the two most important people in my life. 

I never would have thought I would be in this position.

I consider myself to be the most lucky person on this planet to have known not one, but two absolutely amazing people. Allow me to introduce my Great-Grandmother, and the best cousin anyone could ever ask for.

Both of these people I had an extremely close connection to. Every Monday night I was at my Great-Grandmother's house, and for a long time, my cousin Ken lived with her. I remember waiting up for him to come home and lift me up to the ceiling (I was too short to reach, where he was just super tall.) Then after we would go and play Crash Bandicoot on his X-Box.

The three of us made an unstoppable team. They were both the most smartest people I knew. Even though my Great Grandmother had to drop out of school early in order to take care of her younger siblings (caused by the unexpected death of her own mother at 16), but despite this, I could always count on her to have a great deal of knowledge in everyday life problems. Every evening at Grandma's consisted of the same; Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy!, Monster House, Monster Garage, and Orville Redenbacher Pour Over Popcorn. Oh it was good.

Ken made everyone in our family so proud. He graduated at the University of Windsor, and he became an editor. Some of his works included look-a-like, bathroom divas, and the George Stroumboulopoulos show on CBC, which was sadly his last job. Ken loved his work, and ask anyone he worked for (or any viewers of the show for that matter) and they would say that his attitude definitely showed through in his work.

I am who I am today because of these amazing people. They are the ones that encouraged me the most to succeed at everything and to reach for my dreams. My Great Grandma lived a long and fulfilling life, but my cousin Ken had his life cut way to short, but nevertheless he lived each day to the fullest. He was more like a brother to me; my best friend. I don't know how I'll due it without you.

From my journey to yours,

Photo from here (other photo is my own).