Friday, November 14, 2014

School is back...

Hello everyone!

Okay, so it's actually been a while since school has started back... and it certainly has been a while since my last post.

So, as everyone who either knows me or has read my blog before knows, I've started university! Without a doubt, this is one of the most different adjustments that I've had to make. From the atmosphere to the people, to the structure, to the teachers/professors, university is an experience that is very new, and at the beginning strange. So, in this blog post today, I would like to share with you a few things that I have learned so far.

Being in the concurrent education, I've started learning the fine art of pedagogy (a fancy word for teaching). In our classes that are focused around the school environment and making lesson plans, I've noticed the importance around the use of technology. It is actually listed in my one text book (Becoming a Teacher, Fourth Canadian Edition from Pearson Canada) as being an essential knowledge for teachers.

Years ago nobody would even think of the terms that are being integrated into the classroom today. Examples would be Blended Learning and Flipped Classrooms. These advancements have enabled students to be able to take control of their own learning, as well as further their abilities in what has become our future.

In light of Remembrance day (or Veterans Day in the US) that took place this past Tuesday, I would like to take some time in my writing to honor the soldiers who have given their lives for our country. I feel so grateful to live in a country that has a maple leaf on our flag that not only has the words "glorious and free" in the National Anthem, but makes sure that it lives by those words. Lest we forget.

I hope to be trying to get back into my Friday routine, the burdens of university assignments has kept me off for the last while, but  on the bright side, I'm finally going to be graduating high school today! (Woot woot!)

From my journey to yours,

Photos from here, here and here.

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