Friday, May 30, 2014

What I'm Going Into

Week 3 and Going Strong

 So, when people do ask me what I am going to be, they almost always give me a strange look. I am going to university for concurrent ed studies; major in French, second teachable in chemistry. Yes, that is what I said. French and chemistry.

The reactions I get vary. Some will be condemning, others surprised, and few that think of it as a great idea. Those who are condemning say there are no jobs in teaching as soon as I get the words "concurrent ed studies" out of my mouth. Wrong guys, there are plenty of jobs in French. Those who are surprised don't like my combo, saying that they are opposite ends of the spectrum... which I think is completely wrong as well. Those who like the idea of it all; my sincerest thank you because I need that support. But there are reasons why I've chosen these two subjects, more than what meets the eye.

French is a language I have come to love a lot. I spent 5 weeks in GaspĂ© Quebec this past summer on the Explore program improving my French (I will be going into more detail with that experience in a future post). It's such an accomplishment when you are able to speak another language; although I am the farthest thing away from being fluent in the language.

Grade 10 I started to discover the chemistry world. I literally got 100% in the entire unit. I simply loved it, and it came naturally to me. My grade 11 and 12 chemistry teacher said that he could barely get the words out of his mouth before I was essentially a pro at it. It was one of the few things I was actually really good at, and that is my reason for choosing it as my second teachable... I could never do history or English or something like that.

Personally, I don't think they are really all that different, despite their classification as being two totally opposite ends of the spectrum. Yes French is an art and chemistry is a science, but think about it. They are't that different. Chemistry is a science, but it uses things like formulas and special rules for describing how elements or compounds interact with each other given certain circumstances. French, the art, uses formula-like structures and has special rules for describing something that you want to say. French is kind of a big formula. Subject + verb + and action = what you wanted to say. 

So as you can see, their isn't really much difference, and I like to blow things up, so chemistry satisfies that for the most part. So I think this is the perfect combo. We all need a break now and then anyways, and when I feel like switching it up to perhaps use the other part of my brain some, I have it set up that I may do so. 

From my journey to yours, 
Picture from here and here

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why I Decided To Become A Teacher

Wow, a week already?

So, this is post number 2. If you haven't read my first post yet, I strongly urge you to, otherwise today I will be talking about where my ambition came from. 

Go to a kindergartner and ask them what they want to be when they grow up, and they'll typically tell you they want to be just like the person who influences them the most... or a police or fireman because they apparently have really cool jobs that attract them, that being said they are our community hero's. Anyways, when I was asked in kindergarten I immediately said "I want to be a teacher!" This was because of a few reasons. 

School was my most looked forwards to event in my life. There are a couple different kinds of kids that you may encounter on the first day of kindergarten, the crier, the shy kid, the I-don't-want-to-let-go-of-your-leg kid, or there was me, "Mom get away from me because I'm going to learn!" Yes, that was exactly what I was like. Unfortunately, school didn't like me as much as I liked school. I was a victim of bullying. But that didn't stop my love for being at school, because I had a teacher that I could lean on and count on to protect me from harms way. 

As we all grow older, our ambitions from kindergarten usually change. Mine stayed fairly constant. In grade six I had about a nine month change in what I wanted to be, which was an astronomer, but that quickly changed back to being a teacher, because again, I was greatly influenced by a lot of great teachers. 

From my past and the teacher that I had, I have seen flaws, and I have seen excellence, all of which has given me a vivid idea of the kind of teacher I want to be. I want to be so much more than a teacher, I want to be an encourager, a friend, a shield, an adviser, someone to look up to. 

I want to make a difference in as many lives as I can, and by becoming a teacher, I can accomplish that, while doing something I already know I love. 

From my journey to yours, 

Photos from herehere and here


Friday, May 16, 2014

Welcome to My Journey

Welcome to all those who are looking at my blog.

 I am an 18 year old student currently attending Paris District High School, I am in grade 12, and next year I will be going to Wilfrid Laurier University in Brantford Ontario for Concurrent Education studies, my major in French, and my hopeful second will be chemistry. If you don't know what that means, it means that I will be going through to be a teacher. 

I recently accepted my offer to university a few weeks ago, I was accepted into all my universities that I applied to, but I decided that by staying close to home, I would be saving a lot of money that could be better put to use later. But, when I accepted my offer, something stuck me, I was finally going to take the first real step to my future and my dream. It finally seamed real, and that is where the idea came to me to document this journey for anyone who may be interested. 

This blog may be for current teachers, those who one day aspire to teach, or people who like photography, because I'll be doing some of that too from time to time. My goal on this blog is to show how I see the way things are and how my views may change over the course of time. I want to show the different things I've learned and things I pick up that I think everyone can benefit from. 

I will hope to make a post weekly, the next few weeks will be posts about my past and what has driven me to become an educator. For those who will follow from the start, I hope you will enjoy, and I hope that you find this inspirational and informing. 

From my journey to yours, 

Photo's from here and here