Thursday, May 22, 2014

Why I Decided To Become A Teacher

Wow, a week already?

So, this is post number 2. If you haven't read my first post yet, I strongly urge you to, otherwise today I will be talking about where my ambition came from. 

Go to a kindergartner and ask them what they want to be when they grow up, and they'll typically tell you they want to be just like the person who influences them the most... or a police or fireman because they apparently have really cool jobs that attract them, that being said they are our community hero's. Anyways, when I was asked in kindergarten I immediately said "I want to be a teacher!" This was because of a few reasons. 

School was my most looked forwards to event in my life. There are a couple different kinds of kids that you may encounter on the first day of kindergarten, the crier, the shy kid, the I-don't-want-to-let-go-of-your-leg kid, or there was me, "Mom get away from me because I'm going to learn!" Yes, that was exactly what I was like. Unfortunately, school didn't like me as much as I liked school. I was a victim of bullying. But that didn't stop my love for being at school, because I had a teacher that I could lean on and count on to protect me from harms way. 

As we all grow older, our ambitions from kindergarten usually change. Mine stayed fairly constant. In grade six I had about a nine month change in what I wanted to be, which was an astronomer, but that quickly changed back to being a teacher, because again, I was greatly influenced by a lot of great teachers. 

From my past and the teacher that I had, I have seen flaws, and I have seen excellence, all of which has given me a vivid idea of the kind of teacher I want to be. I want to be so much more than a teacher, I want to be an encourager, a friend, a shield, an adviser, someone to look up to. 

I want to make a difference in as many lives as I can, and by becoming a teacher, I can accomplish that, while doing something I already know I love. 

From my journey to yours, 

Photos from herehere and here


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